Monday, November 13, 2017


For each commonly used drug (listed on right) there is information provided for possible positive effects from use, possible neutral effects from use, possible negative effects from use, overdose amount, class, standard dosage, and notes on dangers and usage. There are also several articles below on a variety of drug education and safety related topics.

What is harm reduction?
Drug use vs drug abuse
Terminology and Classifications
What is ego death?

What is the safest way to do drugs?
Mental health and drug use
Addiction Prevention
Where can I buy testing kits?
How to use needles safely
Cold water extraction
Drug Interactions

What to do in case of an overdose
Addiction support
Research Chemicals
What is serotonin syndrome?
Drug-Induced Psychosis
Delusions and Paranoia


Possible positive effects from use:
- Anxiety suppression
- Relaxation
- Pain relief
- Physical euphoria

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Amnesia
- Dizziness
- Frequent urination
- Disinhibition
- Increased libido

Possible negative effects from use:
- Nausea
- Dehydration
- Double vision
- Temporary erectile dysfunction

Overdose amount: 15-20 shots

Class: Depressant

Standard dosage: 1-3 shots depending on your physical size and natural tolerance

Notes: Do not mix with acitomentaphin (ibuprofen). If you get alcohol poisoning when using a non oral ROI, a hospital will not be able to pump your stomach and you will be at much higher risk for serious damage or death. It is generally a bad idea to mix alcohol with anything aside from marijuana. It is physically safe to mix alcohol with psychedelics, but it is known to have negative cognitive effects.

Alprazolam (Xanax)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Anxiety suppression
- Seizure suppression

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Energy
- Sedation

Possible negative effects from use:
- Blackouts
- Nausea

Overdose amount: Around 1000 milligrams per kilogram of body weight. Serious danger is unlikely unless mixed with other substances.

Class: Benzodiazepine

Standard dosage: 5-20 milligrams

Notes: Do not mix with depressants or dissociatives as this increases risks.


Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Addiction suppression
- Analysis enhancement
- Creativity enhancement
- Catharsis
- Empathy enhancement
- Personal bias suppression
- Spirituality enhancement

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Stimulation
- Sedation
- Delusions
- Suggestibility enhancement
- Ego death
- Hallucinations
- Internal hallucinations

Possible negative effects from use:
- Motor control loss
- Stomach pain
- Dehydration
- Nausea

Overdose amount: An incredibly unreasonable amount we haven't been able to define yet

Class: Hallucinogen

Standard dosage: Unsure

Notes: This is pretty safe physically. Do not mix with other serotonin enhancing drugs such as cocaine, ecstasy, meth, or nicotine as this can add the risk of serotonin syndrome. Look HERE for information and tips on mental/emotional health when using psychedelics.


Possible positive effects from use:
- Euphoria
- Focus enhancement

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Wakefullness
- Stimulation

Possible negative effects from use:
- Nausea
- Anxiety
- Cognitive fatigue

Overdose amount: 150-200 milligrams

Class: Stimulant

Standard dosage: 26-95 milligrams

Notes: Caffeine is fairly safe (discounting the high addiction potential) unless you take a very high dosage.


Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Anxiety suppression
- Motivation enhancement

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Stimulation
- Frequent urination
- Tactile hallucinations
- Mouth numbing
- Wakefulness

Possible negative effects from use:
- Irregular heartbeat
- Irritability
- Psychosis
- Dehydration
- Temporary erectile dysfunction
- Cardiovascular damage
- Paranoia

Overdose amount: 30 milligrams to 5 grams depending on tolerance

Class: Stimulant

Standard dosage: 5-30 milligrams

Notes: Do not mix with alcohol. Do not mix with other stimulants, DXM or nicotine as this increases heart strain. Do not mix with depressants as this can cause the delay of overdose symptoms and increase heart strain. Do not mix with ecstasy as this greatly increases neurotoxicity.


Possible positive effects from use:
- Pain releif
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Anxiety suppression

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Sedation
- Decreased libido
- Sleepiness

Possible negative effects from use:
- Itching
- Consipation
- Difficulty urinating
- Nausea

Overdose amount: 450-800 milligrams

Class: Opioid

Standard dosage: 30-100 milligrams

Notes: At above 400 milligrams effects will no longer increase. Mixing with depressants can cause loss of consciousness, vomiting, and shallow breathing which is just as dangerous as an overdose if you aren't with someone who can get you into recovery position and watch you. Mixing with stimulants can lead to dangerous dehydration levels. Dissociatives can cause the same effects as mixing with depressants with the added effect of delusions and amnesia.

Dextroamphetamine (Adderall)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Motivation enhancement
- Analysis enhancement
- Wakefulness

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Stimulation
- Frequent urination

Possible negative effects from use:
- Dehydaration
- Nausea
- Temporary erectile dysfunction

Overdose amount: Around 180 mg

Class: Stimulant

Standard dosage: 5-40 milligrams

Notes: Do not mix with ecstasy, or cocaine as this increases neurotoxicity. Do not mix with alcohol. You could mix it with DXM with relative safety (unless you have a heart condition) but you would probably have a bad time

Diacetylmorphine (Heroin)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Pain relief
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Anxiety suppression

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Nodding off
- Decreased libido
- Orgasm suppression

Possible negative effects from use:
- Unconciousness
- Nausea
- Dehydration
- Constipation
- Difficulty urinating
- Itchiness

Overdose amount: 75-500 milligrams depending on body weight. Because the purity of illegally obtained heroin varies wildly, always start with a low dose, and keep nalaxone on hand if you're able.

Class: Opioid

Standard dosage: These doses won't mean much unless you have a bottle of hospital grade diamorphine, but there is no better dosage information to give because of the varying purity of heroin sold. So when using heroin, it is even more important to always start with a low dose than it is with other substances.
  • Smoked: 2-20 milligrams 
  • Snorted: 5-25 milligrams
  • Injected: 1-8 milligrams

Notes: You can die from mixing with alcohol, benzodiazepines, or other depressants. Mixing with stimulants increases the risks that both substances present. The purity of heroin varies wildly. There is no real way to tell how pure any heroin is unless you got it from a hospital, so always start with a very small amount to avoid danger. Remember that regardless of tolerance or intoxication, the overdose amount remains the same. Heroin is often cut with Fentanyl which is much easier to overdose on. You can buy Fentanyl test kits HERE. To learn about needle safety, look HERE. An opiate overdose can be temporarily halted using nalaxone

Diazepam (Valium)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Seizure suppression
- Anxiety suppression

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Muscle relaxation
- Sedation

Possible negative effects from use:
- Motor control loss
- Dizziness
- Analysis suppression
- Amnesia

Overdose amount: It's nearly impossible to overdose on diazepam alone. There have been people who tool 2000 milligrams and experienced only low toxicity.

Class: Depressant/Benzodiazepine

Standard dosage: 1-10 milligrams

Notes: Mixing with other depressants or alcohol can kill you. Mixing with stimulants can cause severe dehydration. Mixing with dissociatives can lead to unconsciousness and vomiting. Less than 1% of people experience the following: Seizures in epileptics, aggression, increased anxiety, violent behavior, loss of impulse control, irritability and suicidal behavior.


Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Bias suppression
- Spirituality enhancement
- Existential self-realization
- Perception of self-design

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Changes felt in gravity
- Hallucinations
- Internal hallucinations
- Disassociation
- Auditory distortions
- Disorientation
- Ego death
- Time distortion

Possible negative effects from use:
- Nausea
- Anxiety
- Fear

Overdose amount: There are essentially no physical risks but caution is advised as it can leave a mental mark on the user

Class: Psychedelic

Standard dosage: 2-30 milligrams

Notes: Do not use if you are seizure prone or are in poor physical health. Don't mix with lithium as it can lead to seizures. Do not mix with stimulants as this can increase anxiety, paranoia, and generally will make you have a bad time. Look HERE for information and tips on mental/emotional health when using substances.

DXM (Cough Syrup)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Pain relief
- Self-realization

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Sedation
- Stimulation
- Delusions
- Ego death
- Conceptual thinking
- Hallucinations
- Changes felt in bodily form
- Physical disconnection
- Visual distortions

Possible negative effects from use:
- Nausea
- Temperature regulation suppression
- Itchiness
- Dizziness
- Difficulty interpreting visuals
- Anxiety
- Fear

Overdose amount: 15 - 20 milligrams per kilogram of body weight is the overdose amount of DXM. It is important to remember that this is for the chemical DXM alone. There are chemicals in cough syrup and other DXM containing substances which are easier to overdose on.

Class: Dissociative

Standard dosage: 80-200 milligrams

Notes: DXM is largely regarded as being unpleasant, and the nausea is a very notable aspect of it for many people. It is safest to use DXM powder (you can get it online) as you can measure more accurately and not be ingesting other things fond in cough syrup or other DXM containing over the counter medications. Mixing with PCP increases neurotoxicity. Mixing with stimulants can lead to panic, delusions, mania, and dangerous heart rates. Mixing with depressants can lead to unconsciousness and vomiting. Mixing with antidepressants or other medications can cause serotonin syndrome. Look HERE for information and tips on mental/emotional health when using substances. Delusions are very common when using DXM, learn more about helping yourself and others with drug-induced delusions and paranoia on THIS page.


Possible positive effects from use:
- Pain relief
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Anxiety suppression

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Sedation
- Decreased libido
- Orgasm suppression

Possible negative effects from use:
- Nausea
- Constipation
- Difficulty urinating
- Stomach cramps

Overdose amount: 80 milligrams

Class: Opioid

Standard dosage: 3-15 milligrams

Notes: Mixing with depressants can lead to death. Mixing with stimulants can lead to over intoxication. Mixing with dissociatives can lead to amnesia, sedation, motor control loss and delusions as well as unconsciousness and vomiting. Nalaxone temporarily stops an opiate overdose - learn about where to get and how to use it HERE. Some prescription opioids include some amount of acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol). The amount of acetaminophen it takes to cause liver damage is around 4,000mg, and at 6,000mg you are running the risk of overdose. This can be avoided with cold water extractions. If there is any chance a pill was pressed, it is likely cut with Fentanyl, which is much easier to overdose on. You can buy Fentanyl test kits HERE. To learn about needle safety, look HERE.


Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Hallucinations
- Dissociation

Possible negative effects from use:
- Motor control loss
- Brain damage

Overdose amount: Any amount has the potential to kill you, though rarely, and at least minor brain damage occurs with each use.

Notes: Inhalants aren't worth it. There are lots of things out there that cause the same positive effects that won't kill you or give you brain damage. If you insist on doing inhalants, do whip-its.


Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Pain relief
- Anxiety suppression
- Personal bias suppression
- Existential self-realization

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Dissociation
- Hallucinations
- Internal hallucinations

Possible negative effects from use:
- Motor control loss
- Disorientation
- Nausea

Overdose amount: We are unsure of the lethal dose but high doses (150+ milligrams) can easily cause brain damage.

Class: Dissociative

Standard dosage: 40-75 milligrams

Notes: Regular use is much more harmful than one time use. More that 4 days a month is shown to cause brain damage. Mixing with stimulants can cause delusions and anxiety. Mixing with depressants can cause vomiting and unconsciousness. Ketamine has a moderate addiction potential. Learn more about addiction prevention HERE.


Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Pain relief
- Cognitive euphoria
- Anxiety suppression

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Sleepiness
- Decreased libido
- Visual distortions

Possible negative effects from use:
- Nausea
- Stomach pain
- Itchiness
- Constipation
- Dizziness
- Difficulty urinating
- Orgasm suppression

Overdose amount: Essentially impossible to overdose on though high doses can lead to respiratory depression. Taking more than 8 grams will induce vomiting so more than that is probably a bad idea.

Class: Depressant

Standard dosage: 1-4 grams

Notes: Mixing with depressants can cause vomiting and unconsciousness. Mixing with stimulants can cause anxiety and increased heart rate which can be dangerous. Mixing with nicotine can cause nausea and dizziness.

LSD (Acid)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Personal bias suppression
- Creativity enhancement
- Addiction suppression
- Spirituality enhancement
- Analysis enhancement

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Spontaneous physical sensations
- Tactile enhancement
- Laughter fits
- Hallucinations
- Internal hallucinations
- Delusions
- Changes in felt bodily form
- Ego death
- Time distortion
- Dissociation
- Existential self-realization
- Wakefullness

Possible negative effects from use:
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Nausea
- Difficulty urinating
- Dehydration
- Psychosis

Overdose amount: You cannot overdose on LSD alone, though you should use caution as large doses can leave the user permanently changed. It also greatly increases one's heart rate, so those with heart conditions could potentially have an LSD-induced heart issue. You can die from the use of 25i.

Class: Psychedelic

Standard dosage: 25-150 micrograms (one tab)

       There are many myths about LSD. Here are some corrections on the most popular ones:

1) LSD does not stay in your body forever. Also, cracking your joints does not release stored LSD. This is just complete nonsense - LSD leaves your body very quicky and is not store in any capacity.

2) LSD is not excreted through sweat. Touching someone on LSD cannot get you high. Licking someone on LSD cannot get you high. It is impossible to get LSD into your system without directly coming into contact with the substance.

3) LSD is in no way harmless. Though it is true that you cannot overdose and die on LSD, it absolutely causes brain damage in high does or from consistent use.

4) LSD does not damage the chromosomes of fetuses. Though you obviously should avoid all substance use while pregnant, LSD hasn't been shown to cause any serious damage to fetuses.

5) LSD is almost never laced with strychnine, methamphetamine, or PCP. Strychnine has only been found in LSD on a handful of occasions across all recorded history. PCP is occasionally found in LSD, but in nearly negligible percentages. Essentially all LSD fount to have these added is in liquid form, while LSD on blotter paper almost never contains these adulterants. This is because these adulterants do not bind to blotter paper effectively.

6) LSD doesn't make you easily susceptible to "mind control", or make you lose control of yourself. You are still you when you take LSD, and no one can use LSD to force you to think a certain way. BUT, while on LSD it is much easier to believe what people say, which is why people emphasize the importance of a safe social setting when using LSD - or any psychedelic.

7) Almost no one takes a dose (or even a very heavy dose) of LSD and is never functional/psychologically well again. For the most part, LSD is fairly safe to take very occasionally. That said, people who are at high risk of developing - or who have already developed - a psychotic disorder (including bipolar) are at a much higher risk of LSD induced psychotic episodes, and other negative cognitive effects.

Now that we've dealth with those myths, let's talk about the real risks of LSD and how to handle them.
       LSD shouldn't taste like anything. There is a research chemical called 25i which is often sold as LSD but has much more dangerous and unpleasant effects on the body and mind. The best way to tell 25i from LSD is that 25i has a metallic or bitter taste. LSD makes the effects of marijuana much more intense and LSD like. Mixing with dissociatives can be very overwhelming. Mixing with MDMA may be somewhat neurotoxic, though this could just be the neurotoxicity of MDMA itself. Mixing with alcohol is generally regarded as unpleasant as it increased fatigue, nausea, and dehydration.
       Take dehydration seriously. Check the weather, LSD can make it hard to tell if you are too cold. It's important to be in good physical health before using LSD, as it is usually notably taxing on your body. People usually like to have a day to relax after taking LSD, as once the experience is over they feel drained, though happy in the "afterglow". It is also important to be in a positive head-space when using LSD as it will often amplify your current mental state. Look HERE for information and tips on mental/emotional health when using psychedelics. Delusions are fairly common when using LSD, especially in high doses. Read about helping yourself and others with drug-induced delusions and paranoia on THIS page.

Marijuana (THC)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Anxiety suppression
- Pain relief
- Creativity enhancement
- Physical euphoria
- Nausea relief
- Laughter

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Sedation
- Appetite enhancement
- Sleepiness
- Mild hallucinations
- Increased libido
- Color enhancement

Possible negative effects from use:
- Dehydration
- Anxiety
- Nausea
- Paranoia
- Fear

Overdose amount: No one has ever died from a marijuana overdose, though there have been cases of people becoming dangerously dehydrated.

Class: Different strains/forms cause very different effects. Stimulant/depressant.

       Mixing with psychedelics can increase/change the effects of both substances. Marijuana smoke is just as bad, if not worse, than tobacco smoke. Different strains of marijuana, and even just different plants, can be significantly more or less potent than others. It is normal for users to often experience different effects when using marijuana. Some people have a strong adverse reaction to marijuana which usually entails panic attacks, anxiety, or paranoia. These negative effects usually last longer than the usual marijuana high. Remember that edible forms of THC take an hour or so to begin to take effect. Marijuana can be a very effective sleep aid, but if used consistently for this purpose it may become difficult to sleep without use - and the user may begin to experience lower-quality of sleep when the substance is used.
       It is commonly said that marijuana isn't addictive, and while this is true in the sense that it will not cause a person to go into withdrawals if they cut themselves off after a long period of use, people do develop psychological dependencies. When people have been using marijuana regularly for a long period of time, discontinuing use often leads to symptoms such as irritability, lack of apatite, and insomnia. Look HERE for information and tips on mental/emotional health when using substances. 

MDA (Sass)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Anxiety suppression
- Empathy enhancement
- Emotion enhancement
- Affection enhancement
- Sociability enhancement
- Unity and interconnectedness

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Stimulation
- Sedation
- Laughter fits
- Visual distortions
- Increased libido
- Existential self-realization

Possible negative effects from use:
- Temperature regulation suppression
- Dehydration
- Wakefullness
- Difficulty urinating
- Temporary erectile dysfunction
- Anxiety

Overdose amount: The exact amount is unclear, but more than 450 milligrams would probably be unwise, due to the nearly inevitable brain damage.

Class: Entactogen/stimulant/psychedelic

Standard dosage: 30-70 miligrams

Notes:  MDA is highly neurotoxic and can easily lead to serotonin syndrome when used in recklessly. More than around 1.5 points, is putting you at risk. Using more often than every month or two also puts you at risk. After effects sometimes include depression and anxiety. MDA is an amphetamine. Mixing with cocaine can cause heart strain. DXM increases heart strain and can cause panic or anxiety. Mixing with alcohol is dangerous as it can lead to dangerous levels of intoxication. Mixing with any serotonin releasing drug, such as antidepressants or MDMA, increases serotonin syndrome risk. Mixing with MDMA greatly increases neurotoxicity.

MDMA (Ecstasy)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Anxiety suppression
- Empathy enhancement
- Affection enhancement
- Sociability enhancement
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Pain relief
- Focus enhancement
- Motivation enhancement

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Stimulation
- Sedation (In high doses)
- Disinhibition
- Changes felt in bodily weight
- Increased libido
- Sound distortions

Possible negative effects from use:
- Abnormal heartbeat
- Difficulty urinating
- Nausea
- Confusion
- Temporary erectile dysfunction

Overdose amount: We are unsure of exact amount but more than 450 milligrams would probably be unwise.

Class: Stimulant / Entactogen

Standard dosage: 30-100 milligrams

Notes: MDMA is really neurotoxic and can easily lead to serotonin syndrome when used in recklessly. More than, I'd say 1.5 points, is putting you at risk. After effects include depression and anxiety. MDMA is an amphetamine. Do not mix with alcohol as it can lead to dangerous levels of intoxication. Mixing with DXM can cause panic and heart strain. Mixing with stimulants, especially cocaine, can increase neurotoxicity can heart strain significantly. Seizures may occur in those predisposed to them.


Mescaline is the concentrated form of the psychedelic ingredient in peyote

Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Spirituality enhancement
- Analysis enhancement
- Empathy enhancement
- Affection enhancement
- Sociability enhancement
- Personal bias suppression

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Hallucinations
- Internal hallucinations
- Spontaneous physical sensations
- Delusions
- Ego death
- Wakefullness
- Existential self-realization

Possible negative effects from use:
- Nausea
- Frequent urination

Overdose amount: There is no evidence that you can overdose on mescaline

Class: Psychadellic

Standard dosage: 75-300 milligrams


Possible positive effects from use:
- Analysis enhancement
- Cognitive euphoria
- Focus enhancemnt
- Stamina enhancement

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Stimulation
- Wakefullness
- Tactile enhancements
- Tactile hallucinations

Possible negative effects from use:
- Abnormal heartbeat
- Dehydration
- Insomnia
- Psychosis
- Paranoia
- Iritibility
- Frequent urination

Overdose amount:
  • Oral: 150 milligrams
  • Smoked/Insuffulated: 50 milligrams
  • Intravenous: 100 milligrams

Class: Stimulant

Standard dosage: 5-20 milligrams

Notes: Mixing with alcohol can lead to over intoxication. Mixing with DXM can increase heart strain and cause panic. Mixing with MDMA can increase neurotoxicity. Mixing with cocaine can cause or increase heart strain. Symptoms of psychosis are largely accepted as normal by those who use for days at a time, especially without sleep, and methamphetamine poses a high risk of drug-induced psychosis. The paranoia it brings is also generally seen as a normal and common effect. Delusions are very common when using methamphetamine. Read about helping yourself and others with drug-induced delusions and paranoia on THIS page.

Methylphenidate (Ritalin)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Focus enhancement
- Motivation enhancement
- Memory enhancement

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Stimulation
- Wakefulness

Possible negative effects from use:
- Dehydration

Overdose amount: 60-120 milligrams

Class: Stimulant

Standard dosage: 5-30 milligrams

Notes: Do not mix with alcohol. Mixing with DXM can cause panic and heart strain. Mixing with MDMA can increase neurotoxicity. 


Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Cough suppression
- Pain relief
- Anxiety suppression

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Decreased libido
- Orgasm suppression
- Sedation
- Double vision

Possible negative effects from use:
- Constipation
- Itchiness
- Nausea

Overdose amount: 200 milligrams

Class: Opiod

Standard dosage: 10-20 milligrams

Notes: Mixing with depressants such as benzodiazepines can result in death. Mixing with stimulants can increase the risks that both substances present. Mixing with alcohol increases overdose risks. Nalaxone temporarily stops an opiate overdose - learn about where to get and how to use it HERE. Some prescription opioids include some amount of acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol). The amount of acetaminophen it takes to cause liver damage is around 4,000mg, and at 6,000mg you are running the risk of overdose. This can be avoided with cold water extractions. If there is any chance a pill was pressed, it is likely cut with Fentanyl, which is much easier to overdose on. You can buy Fentanyl test kits HERE. To learn about needle safety, look HERE.

Nicotine (Cigarettes)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Anxiety suppression
- Cognitive euphoria
- Memory enhancement
- Motivation enhancement

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Wakefulness

Possible negative effects from use:
- Dizziness
- Nausea

Overdose amount:  6.5 - 13 milligrams per kilogram of body weight

Class: Stimulant

Standard dosage: 0.2 - 1 milligrams


Possible positive effects from use:
- Pain relief
- Anxiety suppression
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Cough suppression

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Decreased libido
- Orgasm suppression

Possible negative effects from use:
- Difficulty urinating
- Stomach pain
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Itchiness

Overdose amount:

Class: Opioid

Standard dosage: 1-20 milligrams

       Mixing with depressants can lead to death. Mixing with stimulants can lead to over intoxication. Mixing with dissociatives can lead to amnesia, sedation, motor control loss and delusions as well as unconsciousness and vomiting. Many prescription opioids include some amount of acetaminophen (the active ingredient in Tylenol). The amount of acetaminophen it takes to cause liver damage is around 4,000mg, and at 6,000mg you are running the risk of overdose. This can be avoided with cold water extractions. Nalaxone temporarily stops an opiate overdose - learn about where to get and how to use it HERE.  If there is any chance a pill was pressed, it is likely cut with Fentanyl, which is much easier to overdose on. You can buy Fentanyl test kits HERE. To learn about needle safety, look HERE.

Phencyclidine (PCP)

Possible positive effects:
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Anxiety suppression
- Creativity enhancement

Possible neutral effects:
- Delusions
- Ego death
- Hallucinations
- Spontaneous physical sensations
- Mania
- Double vision

possible negative effects:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Difficulty focusing eyes
- Fear
- Amnesia
- Analysis suppression

Overdose amount: doses over 15 milligrams are not recommended

Class: Dissociative

Standard dosage: 1-3 milligrams

Notes: Heavy doses or long term use may result in psychosis or mania; mixing with psychedelics can increase this risk. Mixing with stimulants can also increase this risk as well as causing panic. Mixing with depressants can lead to unconsciousness and vomiting. PCP is a substance where you really want to start slow, due to the severity of the potential mania and delirium. Delusions are very common when using PCP, learn more about helping yourself and others with drug-induced delusions and paranoia on THIS page.

Psilocybin (Mushrooms)

Possible positive effects:
- Spirituality enhancement
- Emotion enhancement
- Creativity enhancement
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Empathy enhancement
- Affection enhancement
- Sociability enhancement
- Analysis enhancement
- Personal bias suppression
- Addiction suppression

Possible neutral effects:
- Sedation
- Hallucinations
- Changes felt in gravity
- Changes felt in physical form
- Delusions

possible negative effects:
- Nausea
- Fear
- Frequent urination
- Confusion
- Runny nose

Overdose amount: 280 milligrams per kilogram of body weight

Class: Psychedelic

Standard dosage: .5-2 grams

Notes: Mixing with Tramadol can cause seizures. Mixing with lithium can cause this effect as well as risk of psychosis. Mixing with stimulants can lead to panic, paranoia, or psychosis. People usually like to have the day after the trip be a relaxed one, as once the experience is over they feel drained, though still very happy in the afterglow. Nausea and vomiting are very common on mushrooms and are not usually cause for concern, but the more you take, the more likely these effects are. The potency of mushrooms you get at any one time, will usually not be indicative of how potent other mushrooms will be in the future, so always be careful with your dosage. If you have not done mushrooms before and are not familiar with their taste/appearance, make sure you have someone who you know has experience help you make sure that what you take isn't just a random mushroom. Look HERE for information and tips on mental/emotional health when using psychedelics.

Salvinorin A (Salvia)

Possible positive effects:
- Laughter

Possible neutral effects:
- Changes felt in gravity
- Language suppression
- Changes felt in bodily form
- Ego death
- Tactile hallucinations
- Motor control loss
- Delusions
- Dissociation
- Distortions
- Hallucinations
- Internal hallucinations

possible negative effects:
- Anxiety
- Confusion
- Fear

Overdose amount: No studies have been done

Class: Hallucinagen

Standard dosage: Dosage varies by strain and rout of administration. Look into the strain you're using before ingesting.