Monday, November 13, 2017

Psilocybin (Mushrooms)

Possible positive effects:
- Spirituality enhancement
- Emotion enhancement
- Creativity enhancement
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Empathy enhancement
- Affection enhancement
- Sociability enhancement
- Analysis enhancement
- Personal bias suppression
- Addiction suppression

Possible neutral effects:
- Sedation
- Hallucinations
- Changes felt in gravity
- Changes felt in physical form
- Delusions

possible negative effects:
- Nausea
- Fear
- Frequent urination
- Confusion
- Runny nose

Overdose amount: 280 milligrams per kilogram of body weight

Class: Psychedelic

Standard dosage: .5-2 grams

Notes: Mixing with Tramadol can cause seizures. Mixing with lithium can cause this effect as well as risk of psychosis. Mixing with stimulants can lead to panic, paranoia, or psychosis. People usually like to have the day after the trip be a relaxed one, as once the experience is over they feel drained, though still very happy in the afterglow. Nausea and vomiting are very common on mushrooms and are not usually cause for concern, but the more you take, the more likely these effects are. The potency of mushrooms you get at any one time, will usually not be indicative of how potent other mushrooms will be in the future, so always be careful with your dosage. If you have not done mushrooms before and are not familiar with their taste/appearance, make sure you have someone who you know has experience help you make sure that what you take isn't just a random mushroom. Look HERE for information and tips on mental/emotional health when using psychedelics.