Monday, November 13, 2017


Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Anxiety suppression
- Motivation enhancement

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Stimulation
- Frequent urination
- Tactile hallucinations
- Mouth numbing
- Wakefulness

Possible negative effects from use:
- Irregular heartbeat
- Irritability
- Psychosis
- Dehydration
- Temporary erectile dysfunction
- Cardiovascular damage
- Paranoia

Overdose amount: 30 milligrams to 5 grams depending on tolerance

Class: Stimulant

Standard dosage: 5-30 milligrams

Notes: Do not mix with alcohol. Do not mix with other stimulants, DXM or nicotine as this increases heart strain. Do not mix with depressants as this can cause the delay of overdose symptoms and increase heart strain. Do not mix with ecstasy as this greatly increases neurotoxicity.