Monday, November 13, 2017


Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Bias suppression
- Spirituality enhancement
- Existential self-realization
- Perception of self-design

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Changes felt in gravity
- Hallucinations
- Internal hallucinations
- Disassociation
- Auditory distortions
- Disorientation
- Ego death
- Time distortion

Possible negative effects from use:
- Nausea
- Anxiety
- Fear

Overdose amount: There are essentially no physical risks but caution is advised as it can leave a mental mark on the user

Class: Psychedelic

Standard dosage: 2-30 milligrams

Notes: Do not use if you are seizure prone or are in poor physical health. Don't mix with lithium as it can lead to seizures. Do not mix with stimulants as this can increase anxiety, paranoia, and generally will make you have a bad time. Look HERE for information and tips on mental/emotional health when using substances.