Monday, November 13, 2017

LSD (Acid)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Cognitive euphoria
- Personal bias suppression
- Creativity enhancement
- Addiction suppression
- Spirituality enhancement
- Analysis enhancement

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Spontaneous physical sensations
- Tactile enhancement
- Laughter fits
- Hallucinations
- Internal hallucinations
- Delusions
- Changes in felt bodily form
- Ego death
- Time distortion
- Dissociation
- Existential self-realization
- Wakefullness

Possible negative effects from use:
- Anxiety
- Paranoia
- Nausea
- Difficulty urinating
- Dehydration
- Psychosis

Overdose amount: You cannot overdose on LSD alone, though you should use caution as large doses can leave the user permanently changed. It also greatly increases one's heart rate, so those with heart conditions could potentially have an LSD-induced heart issue. You can die from the use of 25i.

Class: Psychedelic

Standard dosage: 25-150 micrograms (one tab)

       There are many myths about LSD. Here are some corrections on the most popular ones:

1) LSD does not stay in your body forever. Also, cracking your joints does not release stored LSD. This is just complete nonsense - LSD leaves your body very quicky and is not store in any capacity.

2) LSD is not excreted through sweat. Touching someone on LSD cannot get you high. Licking someone on LSD cannot get you high. It is impossible to get LSD into your system without directly coming into contact with the substance.

3) LSD is in no way harmless. Though it is true that you cannot overdose and die on LSD, it absolutely causes brain damage in high does or from consistent use.

4) LSD does not damage the chromosomes of fetuses. Though you obviously should avoid all substance use while pregnant, LSD hasn't been shown to cause any serious damage to fetuses.

5) LSD is almost never laced with strychnine, methamphetamine, or PCP. Strychnine has only been found in LSD on a handful of occasions across all recorded history. PCP is occasionally found in LSD, but in nearly negligible percentages. Essentially all LSD fount to have these added is in liquid form, while LSD on blotter paper almost never contains these adulterants. This is because these adulterants do not bind to blotter paper effectively.

6) LSD doesn't make you easily susceptible to "mind control", or make you lose control of yourself. You are still you when you take LSD, and no one can use LSD to force you to think a certain way. BUT, while on LSD it is much easier to believe what people say, which is why people emphasize the importance of a safe social setting when using LSD - or any psychedelic.

7) Almost no one takes a dose (or even a very heavy dose) of LSD and is never functional/psychologically well again. For the most part, LSD is fairly safe to take very occasionally. That said, people who are at high risk of developing - or who have already developed - a psychotic disorder (including bipolar) are at a much higher risk of LSD induced psychotic episodes, and other negative cognitive effects.

Now that we've dealth with those myths, let's talk about the real risks of LSD and how to handle them.
       LSD shouldn't taste like anything. There is a research chemical called 25i which is often sold as LSD but has much more dangerous and unpleasant effects on the body and mind. The best way to tell 25i from LSD is that 25i has a metallic or bitter taste. LSD makes the effects of marijuana much more intense and LSD like. Mixing with dissociatives can be very overwhelming. Mixing with MDMA may be somewhat neurotoxic, though this could just be the neurotoxicity of MDMA itself. Mixing with alcohol is generally regarded as unpleasant as it increased fatigue, nausea, and dehydration.
       Take dehydration seriously. Check the weather, LSD can make it hard to tell if you are too cold. It's important to be in good physical health before using LSD, as it is usually notably taxing on your body. People usually like to have a day to relax after taking LSD, as once the experience is over they feel drained, though happy in the "afterglow". It is also important to be in a positive head-space when using LSD as it will often amplify your current mental state. Look HERE for information and tips on mental/emotional health when using psychedelics. Delusions are fairly common when using LSD, especially in high doses. Read about helping yourself and others with drug-induced delusions and paranoia on THIS page.