Monday, November 13, 2017

Marijuana (THC)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Anxiety suppression
- Pain relief
- Creativity enhancement
- Physical euphoria
- Nausea relief
- Laughter

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Sedation
- Appetite enhancement
- Sleepiness
- Mild hallucinations
- Increased libido
- Color enhancement

Possible negative effects from use:
- Dehydration
- Anxiety
- Nausea
- Paranoia
- Fear

Overdose amount: No one has ever died from a marijuana overdose, though there have been cases of people becoming dangerously dehydrated.

Class: Different strains/forms cause very different effects. Stimulant/depressant.

       Mixing with psychedelics can increase/change the effects of both substances. Marijuana smoke is just as bad, if not worse, than tobacco smoke. Different strains of marijuana, and even just different plants, can be significantly more or less potent than others. It is normal for users to often experience different effects when using marijuana. Some people have a strong adverse reaction to marijuana which usually entails panic attacks, anxiety, or paranoia. These negative effects usually last longer than the usual marijuana high. Remember that edible forms of THC take an hour or so to begin to take effect. Marijuana can be a very effective sleep aid, but if used consistently for this purpose it may become difficult to sleep without use - and the user may begin to experience lower-quality of sleep when the substance is used.
       It is commonly said that marijuana isn't addictive, and while this is true in the sense that it will not cause a person to go into withdrawals if they cut themselves off after a long period of use, people do develop psychological dependencies. When people have been using marijuana regularly for a long period of time, discontinuing use often leads to symptoms such as irritability, lack of apatite, and insomnia. Look HERE for information and tips on mental/emotional health when using substances.