Monday, November 13, 2017

Diazepam (Valium)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Seizure suppression
- Anxiety suppression

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Muscle relaxation
- Sedation

Possible negative effects from use:
- Motor control loss
- Dizziness
- Analysis suppression
- Amnesia

Overdose amount: It's nearly impossible to overdose on diazepam alone. There have been people who tool 2000 milligrams and experienced only low toxicity.

Class: Depressant/Benzodiazepine

Standard dosage: 1-10 milligrams

Notes: Mixing with other depressants or alcohol can kill you. Mixing with stimulants can cause severe dehydration. Mixing with dissociatives can lead to unconsciousness and vomiting. Less than 1% of people experience the following: Seizures in epileptics, aggression, increased anxiety, violent behavior, loss of impulse control, irritability and suicidal behavior.