Monday, November 13, 2017

MDA (Sass)

Possible positive effects from use:
- Physical euphoria
- Anxiety suppression
- Empathy enhancement
- Emotion enhancement
- Affection enhancement
- Sociability enhancement
- Unity and interconnectedness

Possible neutral effects from use:
- Stimulation
- Sedation
- Laughter fits
- Visual distortions
- Increased libido
- Existential self-realization

Possible negative effects from use:
- Temperature regulation suppression
- Dehydration
- Wakefullness
- Difficulty urinating
- Temporary erectile dysfunction
- Anxiety

Overdose amount: The exact amount is unclear, but more than 450 milligrams would probably be unwise, due to the nearly inevitable brain damage.

Class: Entactogen/stimulant/psychedelic

Standard dosage: 30-70 miligrams

Notes:  MDA is highly neurotoxic and can easily lead to serotonin syndrome when used in recklessly. More than around 1.5 points, is putting you at risk. Using more often than every month or two also puts you at risk. After effects sometimes include depression and anxiety. MDA is an amphetamine. Mixing with cocaine can cause heart strain. DXM increases heart strain and can cause panic or anxiety. Mixing with alcohol is dangerous as it can lead to dangerous levels of intoxication. Mixing with any serotonin releasing drug, such as antidepressants or MDMA, increases serotonin syndrome risk. Mixing with MDMA greatly increases neurotoxicity.