This site exists to give people the ability to make informed decisions in order to stay safe. We do not support abstinence nor do we encourage drug use. This site refrains from providing information which may help someone obtain or begin using drugs, and is intended to be a safe resource for young-adults. We believe that education is the most effective way to avoid the misuse and abuse of psychoactive substances.
Sunday, November 12, 2017
Nodding Off (Opioids)
Nodding off - also called "nodding out" - is a very common effect when taking a moderate to high dose of any opioid. It generally feels like having fallen asleep or lost awareness for a few moments. Some people experience something similar to a mild dream state while nodding off, and may be disoriented when it ends. Though nodding off frequently can be a sign that someone is high on opioids, it isn't usually something to be concerned about.